Friday, January 20, 2006

Anniversary of the Fire.

Well, it was a year ago today that the hand of God moved me downstairs to check my email and make some lunch so the circuit panel where I was sitting could explode without killing me. Thanks. Whew.

It's been an interesting year for our family. Blessings and gifts. Lessons and tests.

We were able to focus on our immediate survival, safety and shelter and the protection of the property without the distraction of injury, fear of losing our income or worse. That was a blessing.

We were able to start fresh, safe and sound, for the duration, in one place, together. That was a gift.

We learned what's absolutely essential for our comfort, entertainment and well being. That was a test.

We wished we had trusted our gut. That's been the lesson.

We were able to keep our eyes beyond the completion of the house. That's skills.

So far so good. It's not over yet. Stay tuned to see pictures.

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