Friday, May 30, 2008

So much for the weekly update.

Obviously, I can't be relied upon to post once a week.

That said, I haven't been idle. It's spring here at Ellsworth Manor and the carnage has begun. So far i have a 50% save rate on baby rabbits. The tomatoes are blooming and the weeds are thick and lush.

Youngblood graduates next week and my five month laissez faire attitude with his room and the contents thereof is biting me in the ass as we speak.

The management company we hired to manage the property can't keep books and three years into this house, the shoddy is showing.

I still find comfort in knowing that Mom got home, it offsets the horror of wondering if her meds killed her.

Family reunion is coming up. So many have passed this year. Wondering how the dynamics of the event will change, and how the dynamics of the event will change us.

Well, there you go. You're all caught up with me. What's going on with you?

Are you on Facebook or MySpace? Please join my friends list.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rock On

Youngblood's style is changing. Here's a one minute home movie.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Backstage Diva

As I mentioned a few posts ago, time to branch off.

If you love theatre, particularly locally produced theatre, I'd like to invite you to join me at The Backstage Diva.

It's a commentary on all things production with an emphasis on the collaborative process that, when done well, makes magic happen for audiences.

Hope to see you there. As always, your comments are welcome.