Sunday, December 14, 2008

How time flies.

I've avoided posting these last few months. Too much going on way too fast. If you know me, you know I like to think about things in a lot of different ways before I decide where to go next, trouble is, a lot of things needed deciding...quick. Standards slipped a time or two, compromises made, unresolved business still unresolved....leading to today.

I left a cooler full of party stuff in my car for a week. Just didn't think about it, when I did, it was either too cold to go out in my loungewear or it was raining and forget about it...from conscientious homemaker, daughter, mother, and backstage diva to toast in 4 short blurry months.

But what four months they were. Glorious, fun, energizing and inspiring. I'm looking forward to snow days, I can't wait to share the adventure. And get to work on drab to fab. Do I ever need it. I'm a mess.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Drab to Fab

Did you ever see a reflection in a store window and wonder what the hell she was thinking, then realize it was you?

Do you have underwear older than some of your colleagues?

When was the last time you changed your hairstyle?

Are you seeing telltale signs of your lifestyle on your face?

Stay tuned. Drab to Fab is coming.

Look for the free e-course in a couple of weeks, and teleclasses coming in August.

Life's too short for ugly shoes.

Return to the Burgburb

Went back for family reunion after an unusually long stay at home. It was a little odd without mom, the warm fuzzy feeling of seeing all the cousins has become a cold clammy duty dance. I think it's time to hang up the dancing shoes and admit that these folks are not my tribe at all.

It's Living Geneology. Every year we have to be reminded, by the keeper of the family tree, of how we are connected. For the most part, it's only from the prolific childbearing of generations long passed. The pre-meal presentation was replaced by a post meal recitation of who died in the last year. I'm done.

Returned home for 4 days, only to return again so that Youngblood could collect the car promised to him by my mom. He's on cloud 9 and fully mobile.

A new era has begun. Yeaaaaa.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Laugh a little.

As you may know, yoga has been a way of life for me for a very long time. It's been westernized, demonized and twisted into an unrecognizable form to make it more palatable to the American couchpotato mentality.

Now, another form. Laughter Yoga. Love it.

Try it out over the phone, in a free moderated call. It's great fun and just what I needed this morning.

Friday, June 06, 2008


My Hero.
Film at eleven. pm. tomorrow.

Friday, May 30, 2008

So much for the weekly update.

Obviously, I can't be relied upon to post once a week.

That said, I haven't been idle. It's spring here at Ellsworth Manor and the carnage has begun. So far i have a 50% save rate on baby rabbits. The tomatoes are blooming and the weeds are thick and lush.

Youngblood graduates next week and my five month laissez faire attitude with his room and the contents thereof is biting me in the ass as we speak.

The management company we hired to manage the property can't keep books and three years into this house, the shoddy is showing.

I still find comfort in knowing that Mom got home, it offsets the horror of wondering if her meds killed her.

Family reunion is coming up. So many have passed this year. Wondering how the dynamics of the event will change, and how the dynamics of the event will change us.

Well, there you go. You're all caught up with me. What's going on with you?

Are you on Facebook or MySpace? Please join my friends list.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rock On

Youngblood's style is changing. Here's a one minute home movie.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Backstage Diva

As I mentioned a few posts ago, time to branch off.

If you love theatre, particularly locally produced theatre, I'd like to invite you to join me at The Backstage Diva.

It's a commentary on all things production with an emphasis on the collaborative process that, when done well, makes magic happen for audiences.

Hope to see you there. As always, your comments are welcome.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Living on the Edge: Back to the Future

Here's a handy tool in pdf format for getting a grip on your life.

Clean Sweep

I'd love to know if you find it helpful. I did.

Living on the Edge: What.

Living on the Edge evolved into a glimpse into my life, the part I don't really want to "talk" about. Little press releases. No comment.

Then, ahhhh (full exhale), I'm free to be me again. (full inhale) and now I want to "talk", have conversations about the things that matter to those I'm blessed to have in my life, many of whom annoy (or bore) the crap out of each other.

My family types don't always "get" my theatre colleagues. My theatre colleagues really don't give a damn about laundry or easy, impromptu entertaining. Neither of those groups care much about the newest technology in skin care, my quest to simplify everything wardrobe and makeup, and my "Go to Europe with a toothbrush and a credit card concept".

So what to do with an unwieldy blog? Break off into new ones, activate some not so new ones and make a guest list for each party. Yea. An action step.

Next post: Back to the future.

Living on the Edge: Why.

Living on the Edge began as a project a while ago when I ran across this guy with a free e-course.

Anyway, I knew I had to have a blog. Didn't exactly know why. Didn't really care.

All I could think of was the crew of the Enterprise. Their amazing access to history, carefully catalogued and categorized, accessible at one's voice command, was us.

So, that was my context: This will be referenced on the Star Ship Enterprise database.

Ok. That said.

Hi, If you can contact me from the future, one question?
When do we get teleportation?

May I ask one more?
Did you Google that?

Next post: What

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Trailer

The movie is on its way to Cannes to be considered for competition. Wish us luck.

'Il Bambino' Trailer Cannes Film Festival from on Vimeo.

see it in HD

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Over the edge

A couple of weeks ago, one of my very favorite people decided to shoot a movie, with me as an actress. Did it, and had very much fun. It's a Drama. Stay tuned for more details..

Friday, February 22, 2008

In Memorium

My great uncle passed away today. He was the artist in the family. He was a delightful conversationalist, especially if you could get him to talk about his work.

One time, at family reunion, he told me that he never started a painting until he knew exactly what he was going to do. He liked to slop his paints around.

I will treasure his memory.


Oh God, thank you for the focus to complete the tasks before me and for the time to feel my loss. I miss her so deeply, every day. I want to call and ask her how to do something, to hear her bitch, I want her to see another baby and to tell me what to do with mine, again.

I need her now that I'm so close to the end of my twenty year project. I hope I learned enough. And I hope I don't put my eye out.