I love tech week. Sometimes.
When an intricate plan comes together, it's the best. When tech becomes the necessary evil or worse, the enemy, it sucks.
In that vein, I'd like to offer seven ways for directors to make the hottest creative blood run cold ...
1. Keep the big picture to yourself.
That way, no one will know what you really want.
Keep ‘em guessing. It’ll drive them to distraction.
2. Don’t bother with designers or department heads.
Just draw a floorplan on a cocktail napkin and call it a set design.
Ask the actors to bring in some things from home to wear.
Settle for “whatever”.
3. Treat everyone like they don’t know what they’re doing.
They don’t.
They’re too distracted by trying to figure out what you'll want next .
4. Hold everyone accountable, but don’t tell them for what until they screw up.
That’ll teach ‘em a lesson they’ll never forget.
5. Keep the schedule TBA until the last possible minute.
The anti-plan. Exhaustion is great for high stress.
6. Berate, humiliate and belittle.
The trinity of toxic creative environments.
Can't you just taste the contempt?
7. When it’s all over, act like you never met any of them.
You didn't need them anyway.
Break a leg.